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The EHJ Memorial Fund, Inc. for Opera is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation supporting
and promoting opera in Western New York, and especially the idea of a dedicated
performing arts space for opera and ballet.


Fall 2024- 35 years making a difference in Buffalo/Niagara...


The EHJ Memorial Fund, Inc. for Opera continues its mission, supporting opera and performers throughout the community for you and our talented musical organizations.
We created and sponsor the Buffalo/WNY Vocal Alert, a community service found on the web and
Facebook, listing classical and operatic vocal performances in WNY/Ontario.

We give grants for performances to local opera companies, and gift children tickets to local opera
productions. We offer a yearly scholarship to a deserving young singer, and created Singing it Forward, our own 
Opera outreach educational program for children and adults.


Celebrate World Opera Day is October 25th. We are excited to continue promoting our amazing musical organizations for the whole month of October, in WNY/Ontario!
We call it Celebrate Opera-Tober.

Please go to for complete listings.


This year, we sponsored performances by Buffalo Opera Unlimited, Nickel City Opera,
Sotto Voce Vocal Collective, Opera Lytes, Chopin Singing Society, Niagara Arts & Cultural Center and Opera Volunteers International,  
the Metropolitan Opera Great Lakes District Auditions,
and Opera Day at the Niagara Arts and Cultural Center. 

Please take a moment to read 
About us to see why our organization is so vital to the community.

     Our dedicated Board members volunteer their talents and time, and truly appreciate your 

generous response to help us reach our goals.

Our young performers are also grateful for your generosity, as they realize it is you
making the difference for them and future generations.


 We thank you for visiting our website and supporting our mission.

Your support allows us to continue this important work for the community.

Please click below to donate via our safe and secure PayPal button.

© Copyright Erwin H. Johnson Memorial Fund 2012

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